February 10, 2011

Love and food and whatnot

Check out my friend Byn's blog, 365 Days of Clean Eating ('cause nobody likes eating dirty food).  Tree Guy and I are featured in a Valentine's Day Spotlight, as is Shrinky Dink's recipe for Southwest Chicken Soup.  (Yeah, I totally stole her recipe.  It was worth stealing!) 

My man can cook some authentic Mexican food, y'all.  This is despite the fact that he is whiter than Wonder Bread.  (That reminds me of a funny blog, Stuff White People Like.)  Squirrel!  Okay, I'll try to focus.  Here is one of Tree Guy's culinary creations.

But our relationship isn't one-sided, people.  Just last night I made Tree Guy these cookies, from an ancient family recipe (read: the one on the Nestle Tollhouse bag).

Now that's love.


  1. Stopping by to checkout one of the other featured blogs on Byn's Valentine Spotlight! New follower. Those pictures are making me drool over here!!! My Campbell's Healthy Request Italian Veggie soup is NOTHING compared to Mexican or cookies!!! Oy vay!!! :-)

  2. Welcome! And thanks for following! I am actually in need of an Italian soup recipe, soo... :)
