January 03, 2012

2012. Word.

Jessica over at Bohemian Bowmans came up with a great alternative to New Year's resolutions: One Purposeful Word for 2012.

What's one word that encompasses what you most want this year to be about?  It might be hard to narrow it down to one word.  Or the word might come to you as quickly as mine did.

I chose the word BALANCE.

I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of our lives having "seasons", right?  Childhood is largely about discovery.  Young adulthood is often focused on careers or dating or marriage.  Then there's the exciting and exhausting early parenting season.  There might be a season of illness, or even a season of poverty.  A season of self-discovery.  A season of loss. 

And for many of us, there is a caregiving season.  This season necessitates a letting go of extraneous things to make time and room for the necessary.  Sometimes it even requires pushing aside that which is important for that which is more time-sensitive, more urgent. 

2011 was a caregiving season for me.  And as stressful and exhausting as it was at times, I am grateful for this season in my life.  I was able to spend a lot of time with Meemaw in the last year of her life.  I thank God for that gift.  

It is now time for a new season in my life.  A reordering of priorities.

I plan to continue to work on improving my health through more balanced eating and exercise.  I've lost 10 pounds so far following the Weight Watchers program.  I work out 3 times a week now while watching episodes of Desperate Housewives on Netflix instant streaming.  (I can't decide who's sexier: Mike or Carlos!)

Homeschooling will be another renewed focus.  Thank God Nature Boy loves to read and watch shows like Bizarre Foods, Man vs. Wild, and Mythbusters, or we wouldn't have accomplished much of anything in our homeschooling in 2011.  (Just keeping it real, folks!)

A key part of achieving balance in my life is that I plan to reduce the amount of time I spend on the computer.  Facebook is a giant time-suck for me.  I need to spend less time on my virtual life and more time on my real life.

My word for 2012 is balance.  What's yours?


  1. Question: (wow, that sounded all kinds of Dwight Schrute) what kind of exercisin are you doing? Whenever I exercise I'm generally already using my wii for wii fit or just dance or some other such nonsense. But I like the idea of watching shows! Lol. Distract me from the pain.

  2. Thanks for sharing this! It was perfect for this year for me and I've really enjoyed seeing what other folks look forward to in their 2012. I just posted a new Christian Usnchoolers Meme for this week and "what's your 2012 word" is the last question. I hope you'll be able to link up. What a cool idea. Thanks again.

  3. My 2012 word isn't blog friendly.

    I jest, I jest.

    I can't even think of a word for 2012!
