February 17, 2012

Can't blame this on the public schools

Nature Boy loves him some meat.  So he wrote a haiku about it.  Like to hear it?  Here it go.


Bacon, steak, and ham.
Juicy, succulent meat - yum.
Poor little cow.  Aww.

He also loves him some dairy.  It is an unrequited love.


Oh, dairy.  Why me?
Making my butt erupt.  (Groan.)
Dairy sucks a lot.

Which brings us to the final haiku of the day.

Volcano butt.  (Pfft.)
Smelly gas comes out my BLEEP.
Boy, do I like farts.


*I helpfully pointed out to Nature Boy that bacon and ham do not come from cows.  He sensically replied that "animal" has 3 syllables and haikus require a certain sparsity of sound.  Ergo, the cow remains.

My shy, retiring boy would also like me to share this picture with you.  You're welcome.