I try to keep it real, both online and in person. If anything, I overshare--which is huge for someone who tends toward paranoia. Blogging is my exposure therapy. (I just have to trust that you guys aren't crazy, stalking loons!)
Since I keep it real, I am now going to share 5 things I really suck at.
You're welcome.
1. Planning ahead.
I admit that I fly by the seat of my pants. I am a fan of freedom and autonomy in all things. Which sounds all noble, but isn't really conducive to responsible adult living. I'm probably not the best homeschool teacher, definitely not the best employee, and likely not the ideal volunteer. And I am most certainly not a money saver. I usually don't know what's for dinner until 5 or 6pm. Life with me is always a surprise.
2. Eating in moderation.
Food is my drug of choice. Especially sugar. Especially in baked good format. I will eat your slice too.
3. Being reverent.
I know I'm not alone in this one. Some of us just can't keep a straight face at church, at funerals, during a lecture from an authority figure. As devastated as I was at my grandma's funeral last December, I couldn't help cracking up until I was sweaty and red-faced when the deacon decided to spend the service talking about purgatory. PURGATORY! Like people at a funeral want to hear about that! Although at least half of my extended family is Catholic, I don't know that any of us even believe in purgatory. But even if we did, we wouldn't want to hear about it days after losing a beloved family member.
Today's irreverent debacle was also church-related. There's one older choir lady who is all old school when it comes to singing. I was in choir growing up, so I know that she's just following the rules of choral singing. She drops her jaw when singing vowels, seriously enunciates, and makes sure to end her words on a strong sound. The problem is, no one else in the choir does that--so she really stands out to me. And today she got a little overzealous. She added hard "T" sounds to words that end with the letter D. She was all, "We love you, Lort. We obey your Wort."
I know I should have been focusing on the Word of God and the solemnity of the occasion, but I couldn't help laughing. Nor could I be a responsible parent at that moment. I brought Nature Boy in on it, and we both cracked up for the rest of the song. Tree Guy doesn't appreciate public nonsense. We totally got in trouble on the way home.
4. Being on time.
I am always late. Sometimes it's for a legitimate reason, but a lot of the time I'm late because I don't leave until it's time to be there. It's not that I don't respect other people's time. It's that I come up with 345345763786538 last minute things to do before I leave the house. There's nothing like needing to be somewhere at a certain time to spur me to get stuff accomplished at home. (Thing #76687 that drives my husband nuts.)
5. Tolerating bullsh!t.
This one's a biggie. I am not very good at pretending. I teach my son to ignore annoying people, but I don't always practice what I preach. See, I inherited a gene from my mom that makes it impossible for me to avoid busting a (verbal) cap in a bully's ass. When people act a fool, instead of quietly going about my business, I'm drawn in. I'm all, "I'm your huckleberry." (Obscure Tombstone reference.) Which feels all badass at the time, but as I am 5'3", it probably looks absolutely ridiculous. What I lack in stature, I make up for in crazy, though. The best piece of parenting advice my mom ever gave me was: Outcrazy the bullies.
What do you suck at?